Tuesday, 20 March 2012

We Think -Charles Leadbeater - Animation

Dan Gilmor - We Think Podcast

Listen to the podcast HERE

Wikinomics Summary - Tapscott & Williams 2006

Since you can get this for free on the internet, it seems mad to not allow a TEACHER to add this to their EDUCATIONAL website - however, welcome to the madness that is the internet. SO, to view the summary, follow the LINK

Blogging and the emerging Ecosystem - John Naughton

Blogging and the Emerging Ecosystem Naughton

Gauntlett - Media Studies 2.0

Media Studies 2.0 David Gauntlett

Web 2.0 - O'Reilly Wiki - overview

Web 2.0 O'Reilly Wiki

The Long Tail - Anderson 2006 - Wiki

The Long Tail Anderson Wiki

Media in the Online Age - teaching powerpoint (theory outline)

MOLA Overview of Theorists Lesson Power Point

MOLA overview of the theory - prezi (handout)

Intro Media in the online Age Outline Prezi

Media Studies 2.0 - Julian McDougall

Media Studies 2.0 Julian Mcdougall MM24 Apr 08

Web 2.0 Article - Nick Lacey

The Impact of Web 2.0 MM24 Apr 08

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Examples of some companies adapting to a digital world

Here's Maggie Lonergan, managing director of marketing services at Fortune Cookie, explaining the latest buzzword, phygital, and why it's the future of digital marketing. She discusses Xerox and 1-800-Flowers (both US) and Tescos in Korea (known as 'Homeplus')

LINK - Successful Marketing is both physical and digital