Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Trying to revise or missed a week?

If you missed a week or are trying to revise, if you look at the collection on Media Online theory on SCRIBD - linked on the top right of this blog - you will be able to access each week's sheets and follow the work we've been doing.

Each sheet shows what we did and what you are/were expected to do. There's a summary of the work covered so far on each sheet so you can check if you're ready. If you've attended all the lessons then you should have all this work.

The sheets are numbered and entitled with the word 'homework'.

This constitutes, roughly, the scheme/outline of work followed for the unit.

Four Areas to cover in Essay in Exam

MOLA the Four Areas

'Cards' to help you answer the essay...

MOLA Cards for Answering Essays

What makes a good answer...

MOLA What Makes a Good Answer