Thursday 8 January 2015


Media in the Online Age
“The online age has significantly changed consumer behaviour and audience reception, compared
with the offline age.” Discuss.
9 Evaluate the ways in which media producers have taken advantage of convergence. 

CHOOSE ONE of the two.

Brainstorm your main points (it's a pretty simple discussion - how has the media changed because of the internet - the way audiences can use media and the way producers etc can/have to produce and distribute texts?) - then find

Prepare case studies as examples (just like you did for Film Industry last year).

Make sure you explain your points properly.

Make sure you mention more than ONE media area - so you can't do all music, you have to mention more than one - so TV, Film, Newspapers, Music Industry, Advertising, Videogames etc etc

FINALLY make sure you are presenting an ARGUMENT - 'on one hand this but on the other hand that'.

Details, theorists etc we can add later. For now, think about the question and see what you can do.

There is a lot of help on this blog and on the internet with this topic (Unit is G325, topic is Media in the online Age).

DON'T WORRY - we haven't started this topic properly yet :)

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